Selling Your Home

In today's real estate market, updating your home can make all the difference. Updates can be as simple as re-painting walls or replacing fixtures. Update your kitchen cabinets with a coat or paint or replace the carpet in just one room. This will help move you toward a quicker sale.

When prospective home buyers visit a house for the first time, they often try all the switches, knobs, faucets, and cabinets. Create a favorable first impression by making sure all faucets and fixtures are clean, polished, and fully functional. Small problems or cosmetic flaws can easily add up in the mind of a potential buyer. When preparing your home to get listed by a real estate agent, go through and make sure that it does have personality. However, when going through and doing this, make sure that you take away the person out of it. This will help make your home anonymous and therefore allowing the potential buyer to see it as their possible home.

Everyone knows that baking cookies to give the house you are selling a nice homey feel is a good idea. If you don't bake cookies, try to avoid using air fresheners that are very strong so that potential buyers do not think you are trying to cover something up. Don't overwhelm buyers with a heavy floral scent. Keep your touch light.

Inspect Your Home

Check all windows, switches, electrical outlets, plumbing fixtures, door handles; be on the lookout for chipping paint, water marks, roof leaks, broken light bulbs. Make sure your list is as complete as it can be.

Categorize your list into the various types of repairs necessary like carpentry, plumbing, electrical, do-it-yourself. Spend the time, money and effort necessary to make all the itemized repairs on your list. Your goal is to improve the cosmetic appeal of your home and eliminate as much of the negative factors as possible even before the potential buyer makes his inspection of the house.

Once you have completed all of the repairs, take another walk through and determine further steps you can take to enhance the appearance of your home. Trim the bushes and tress in the front and back yards mow the lawn, give the exterior and interiors a fresh coat of paint (preferably in a neutral or light color to emphasize roominess). Most important of all, get rid of the clutter in the attic, the kitchen, the garage and the living room. Doing so gives the appearance of spaciousness, which is one of the more important considerations of potential homebuyers.

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